Saturday, December 27, 2008 @ 4:52 PM
taecyeon oppa's saengil ~~
owaaah TAEC OPPA SAENGIL CHUKAHAEEE hehehe , happy 20th bday oppa .WISH YOU ALL THE BEST . kekeke :D . make me laugh more hahaha you're so hillarious . kekeke :D
ah ~ today . i watched 2pm sang to instead of saying goodbye by bi oppa .oh i swear , that's my fav song of rain . hahaha ~ and i was like , HOOWAAAAAAA when i watched it . hahaha XDDD . i am enjoying that . kekeke . they loo so cute , with the outfit . hahah <3 so that i capsed it , hahah a
KYAA JUNHO JUNHO ~ <3 .i love it when , hm before they perform , they always said : what time is it?2PM . <-- i really love this . hahaha
kya kya 2PM ~ :3 , it's PRIMADONNA's WONDERFUL DAY is so VIP<-- you guys know it right !. hahaha
oh i miss poppy ~~ >__< and siszy is in thailand now . T___T
aaaah and me?
just stay at home , so so so bored ~
ah ~ i hope tomorrow can go to movie , maybe , will watch madagascar 2 , maybe . HAHAH AXDDD
^bday boy . kekeke
aah ~ FT ISLAND 's UPDATE photo
MAAAn ~~ i want HQ ~
plus random pics . hahaha
^took this long2 ago XDD
^remember about "i was waiting for my cousin" XD hahah so , i took pic at that time hahahXD
ah ~~
today is so boring
i am bored T_T